Villainy – Demo

Wow! I was pretty impressed when someone sent me a link with the songs on this demo. He told me check this new band Villainy, ‘you will like it’ and I did. The first time I heard the three songs I was like ‘Damn!’ This is a combination of rough thrash metal, some old Celtic Frost and a bit of crustcore. I thought they were old guys, but then I heard they are mostly under twenty. They surely had a good metal and hardcore education.
The three songs on the demo are their first recordings. One song is a fast thrashing song that only last for two minutes. The other two clocks in around six minutes, melting fast stuff with some heavy Celtic Frost parts. Especially these songs are great. Chrystal has a dragging intermezzo before the thrash end begins and the song Midnight Metamorphosis is going on and on without losing the rage. The middle part is totally worshipping old Celtic Frost and other sinister bands from the eighties. The vocals are rough and sound like a maniac is singing. It gives the music the evilness it needs.
Conclusion: Villiany is a young band that doesn’t lose your attention in long songs and that’s a big plus. This demo is a nice surprise! You can listen to it here:
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