Groezrock 2013: preview – What to see, eat and wear?
Another edition of the Groezrock festival is only a couple of weeks away. Like always there are hard choices to be made. Will you get drunk on the first day and have a hang over on the second day? Are you going to sleep in a tent with your smelly friend or are you going to take your chances and hit up a cute boy or girl? What to eat? What to wear? And most importantly which bands are you going to watch. Let’s hope this SWNK preview helps you a little bit in making life’s hard choices.
What to eat?
If you’re going to spend two days walking from band to band it’s important that you eat at least one decent meal. You could go for the greasy hamburgers and Belgium fries. But there’s a great alternative at Groezrock brought to you by the fine people of Just Like Your Mom. They’ll bring the best in vegan catering to the festival. Smart punks pay attention, if you wear an Antillectual shirt you even get a free burger with every order!
What to wear?
You want to look cool? Then don’t, and I repeat don’t, wear this year’s Groezrock shirt or one of those shirts with some ‘fun’ slogan. You’re at the Groezrock fest so basically any punk or hardcore shirt is okay. If you really want to come over as a smart punk you wear an Antillectual shirt (see above) if you want to be alone in the crowd you’ll wear a Straight Edge shirt. If you want to be my friend you come to the Hardlife market and buy one of the Soulslayer designs from the Reflections stand. I promise I’ll be nice to you. While you’re at it you might as well buy some great records from Reflections or their neighbours at Shield Recordings.
What to drink?
Well that one is up to you. Usually there’s lots of beer everywhere and some soda’s as well. If the weather is good you can also try and get your hands one of the fresh juices. Those are delicious. I’ll stick to water.
What to watch
Everything above is basically ‘getting-yourself-through-the-day’ stuff. More importantly is which bands to watch and it is here that things get very difficult…
Must Sees
On Saturday one of the must sees are Title Fight. Besides having released one of the best records of 2012 this band also has a special connection with Belgium. Last year’s show in Antwerp was wild and I don’t expect Groezrock to be much different. Now if you like you music and band a bit tougher I’d say Trapped Under Ice is the band for you. The band is going to layback for a while so this might be your last chance to mosh. And for the Dutchies reading this, support your local Dutch hardcore bands and go see John Coffey, they’re tight as hell live.
Go back in time
Groezrock just wouldn’t be the same without the return of some old heroes. What to think of skatepunk legends Pulley and that 90’s emopunk band Samiam. Or the return of Scott Wade in Comeback Kid? It will probably all stand in the shadow of the moment when Pennywise starts playing ‘Bro Hymn’ with Jim back on vocals though.
Choices made
The biggest choice to be made on saturday is that between Texas Is The Reason and Kid Dynamite. It’s a tough one. Let’s make it a bit easier on you.
Easy right? Well you could go and see Kid Dynamite the day before Groezrock…
Day two
Sunday is an easy day for those into good bands. There’s a lot of Bring Me The Killswitch and The Billy Used going on. I’d say you have to go and wave off Midnight Souls they’ll be gone before you know it. Polar Bear Club sure will bring the house down. I can’t believe the last time I’ve seen them was in 2010. Since then they’ve released a very strong record. Pure Love has the potential to play a legendary show. There’s Belgium’s hope Cheap Drugs. You can all go and measure the length of Rick Rodney’s beard during the set of Strife and there is that show of Into Another lot’s of people seem to be looking out for.
But whatever you do (or don’t do) at Groezrock 2013 don’t forget to press the organisers into getting American Nightmare over for 2014.
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