Mixtape #10: Punk Rock
Yeah. So I got a huge passion for hardcore, but somehow the words ‘punk rock’ seem to fit in a special place in my heart. And that’s totally normal, because let’s just admit it; punk rock is the best type of music out there. In my spare time I usually check out punk rock bands I vaguely heard of or were linked to YouTube videos or something like that. Most of the time it’s not that exciting, but once in a while I get my hands on really great stuff. And these are the tracks I’m gonna share with you today. Let’s start with this first one.
My sister’s ex-boyfriend made us a mixtape CD when I was about eleven or twelve years old. The CD featured songs by NOFX, Bad Religion and Lagwagon. Back in the day this track in particular gave me that warm feeling from inside when you just got into an awesome type of music. I think all of you guys know what I mean: try to remember the moment when you first heard one of your all-time favorite bands. Perhaps that’s why Lagwagon still is one of those bands I desperately want to see live.
This is one heck of a jewel. Although ‘Sideburner’ and ‘From Left To Right’ are considered classics amongst a lot of punk rockers, not that many people seem to know about this band. A shame, because in my opinion Adhesive is the best band that ever came out Sweden. Yep, even better than ABBA, just admit it.
Top shelf material. Jughead’s Revenge know how to write both emotionally laden songs and social-critical songs about the punk rock scene, conformism and bouncers. This song right here is one of my favorites and features all the elements which makes Jughead’s Revenge so rad. You should definitely take the time to listen to ‘Image Is Everything’, ‘Just Joined’ and their final album ‘Pearly Gates’, which all came out on Dexter Holland’s Nitro Records.
Guttermouth’s politically incorrect and offensive lyrics aren’t shocking anyone these days, but they’re just ridiculously catchy and put a smile on my face time after time again. Their shows are hilarious; getting fucked up, making fun of their fans and they never take themselves too seriously. I was planning on seeing them four times on their European tour in July and August, but the fuckers had to cancel it. I think I died a bit at the moment I read that.
Cigar is Southern-Californian skatepunk done right. I actually gave their one and only record ‘Speed Is Relative’ a first spin not so long ago, but damn… some band this is. Fast, melodic and all the instruments just blend in perfectly. Check this video at Warped Tour ’99 to really get a feeling of Jason Torbert’s sweet bass lines and Jon Sortland’s out-of-this-world (one foot bass) drumming skills.
Most of you have heard of the quite popular Ramones-esque punk rock band Teenage Bottlerocket. But did you know that Kody (the guy with the great voice) also made some awesome records with The Lillingtons? They distinguished themselves by combining the typical Ramones sound with lyrics about science-fiction, spies and other retro themes such as X-ray Specs. Check out ‘Death By Television’, ‘The Backchannel Broadcast’ and ‘The Too Late Show’.
Pretty awesome band. Always gives me the ‘Pennywise-but-a-bit-more-hardcore’ feeling. They’re even from the same town and 98 Mute was also signed to Epitaph Records in the early 00’s. They released some pretty badass records and have very positive lyrics, which is pretty nice after a long day of listening to your angry, alienated adolescent hardcore music.
Much appreciated by punk rockers who are in their late 20’s and older, but somehow not very known among the new generation. Credits to Dag Nasty for their pioneering music and their heavy influence on bands such as Jawbreaker and Hot Water Music. Even Terror covered ‘Can I Say’ on the re-issue of ‘Lowest Of The Low’.
Local Resident Failure are one of those great new bands from Australia. You might know drummer Kye Smith for his 5 minute drum chronology video’s of popular punk rock acts. Local Resident Failure bring back the nice 90’s punk rock sound from labels such as Fat Wreck, Epitaph and Nitro with an Australian wink. Also doing their first European tour in a couple of weeks, so be sure to check them out if they’re playing in your area.
I was really bummed out that I missed T.S.O.L. at last year’s Ieperfest due to a traffic jam at Antwerpen. Just like Adolescents, D.I. and Agent Orange they’re one of those awesome early 80’s punk rock bands from California who were a huge influence on most of your favorite punk rock bands. T.S.O.L.’s Best record is ‘Dance With Me’, right before they changed their style to Guns ‘N Roses-ish glam metal. Meh..
Well, that was Mixtape #10. Hope this will provide you with some fresh tunes for the summer or remind you of your dusty records on the attic that are just screaming to be listened to again.
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