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Pressure Release 2007 – Looking back part V

Part V. Another five bands to talk about. This time it’s Dirty Money, Go For Broke, Straight A’s, Nitad & Goldust. Let’s see what happened to them.

21. Dirty Money

United Kingdom / 2006-2010 / R.I.P.

When I heard those demo songs for the first time I never expected them to blow up like they did to be honest. It’s awesome to see what they achieved in such a short time though. Dirty Money go! Graham’s new band Tremors is great too.

So what happened to Dirty Money after the release of that tape?
After the tape at LTF we did our 7inch on the best label for hardcore in the UK ever… DEAD & GONE RECORDS. Followed by our first European tour. Then Trapped Under Ice asked us to do a split with them. We did a second European tour with TUI and Lion of Judah. Had a meeting with Visible Noise Records but declined working with them. We went to the USA/Canada on tour with Trapped Under Ice, Reign Supreme and Full Blown Chaos. We’ve done some dates with Cold World and played with a bunch of bands over the short period of time we were been around. We made a LOT of friends, and it’s been a slightly bumpy but otherwise nice ride. Some people left the band and some people joined.

Some people filled in. Our first bassist Tony Dearlove left the band and went on to do a short stint in Capricorns and now resides in Alabaster Suns. Chris left when Mark joined and carried on with Diction/Ninebar. Mark came to us from Walk The Plank. Alex played some shows with us when Mark couldn’t make it. He is in The Hard Way. Brad Hyra who currently plays for TUI played bass for us when we toured the USA.

We played our last show in May 2010. Before we announced a venue I was surprised by how many offers we got to play other peoples events as our ‘last show’. Certain people having never asked us to play for them before so we decided that is was probably to take advantage of our situation and make themselves some extra cash. Vulture-esque. We declined these offers. The plan was to keep it Dead & Gone. In the family. Play the UK because that is where we are from.

The original venue we planned on booking was 300 capacity but the owner tried to play us… so we moved to The Underworld and more than doubled capacity. The venue was sold out in less than 20hours. The lineup was GREAT. It was a send off both for Dirty Money and for Dead & Gone Records. A lot of friends made it there. It was a great day… I heard afterward some kid was upset no American bands played and started complaining saying the lineup was weird… If you’re that kid and you couldn’t understand the concept of the show then go fuck yourself. Most people looked like they had a great time.

What are the best memories from the band?
For me… I guess the usual things. Making all the friends we made. There are a lot so I won’t name everyone. I hope those people know who they are anyway. Getting to spend time away with my friends seeing and doing things I never thought I’d see or do. Certain shows stick out more than others maybe. Going to America was a big deal. It’s pretty rare that UK bands go there. Aachen has good pizza. There are so many things that I can’t think of anything specific!

What are the future plans for Dirty Money? What should we be looking out for?
Before we split up, we had been working on an LP for a while. Due to some pretty terrible things happening in our personal lives this had to get put on hold. Sometimes things happen to you or you see things that have a very strong effect and it isn’t always easy to move on or come back to how you used to be after those experiences. The record was going to reflect these things and we had more musical ideas than ever about getting it done. The working title (for me anyway) was “end to square & stationary earth”. Some tracks exist but are unfinished (and will never be finished).

We’re all friends still. Some people who have nothing to do with us have in the past gone onto forums and tried to give some insight into our business regarding our end. They are not our friends and have no idea about anything. Speculation is one thing… but speculating while talking as though one of us has confided in you is just offensive. Seb works near where I live, Mark is getting married soon and works in central London. Graham now sings in Tremors who are a REALLY good band. Roman sings in Cold Snap and I just joined that band on bass duties. Right now I’m working a lot at my day job and building amplifiers in my spare time and trying to plan a band where I play guitar again.

Thanks to everyone who supported us. See you all soon.

Dirty Money – No One

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22. Go For Broke

Sweden / 2005-2009 / R.I.P.

Go For Broke gained some attention at the time I was compiling this tape. I liked what they were doing and they even offered an exclusive track. So they were added. Reminds me a bit of The First Step when I hear it back now. Members went on to other projects and the zine Kalle is doing, Effort fanzine, is pretty amazing. Pick it up if you get the chance.

So what happened to Go For Broke?
Not much happened to or with Go For Broke, for which we can not blame anyone but ourselves. We weren’t exactly taking the band serious or treating it the way we should’ve. We all had other priorities and eventually those priorities became overwhelming and our individual priorities within the band became to far from each other so we decided to call it quits. We recorded a 3 song ep which we released ourselves in 100 copies (and is also available as free download on our myspace – or at least I think it is). The release show for that also became our last show. We didn’t announce it or anything, we just quit on the spot really. All of our music is also available on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon and similar websites.

What are the best memories from that time?
The best memories are by far all the positive response we recieved by e-mails, being in zines, on compilations and so on. That and of course the short but sweet tour we did when we visited Germany, Poland and Czech Republic. There were only three of us in the band, a stand in bass player and three of our best friends and we just had the best of times. Truly a time we’ll remember, cause nothing can compare. Oh, how time flies, but then again; you’re only young once. So do it right.

What are the Go For Broke members doing curently? Anything we should be looking out for?
Ulf is in Balance who have an LP coming out this fall, I have no doubt in my mind that this LP will be nothing but fuckin’ awesome. I think he also has some project with Joel (singer of Cutting Edge) and some other dudes. Andreas is starting a new band with what used to be Lions Den, they broke up since their singer Erik (who founded Go For Broke btw) quit. Don’t much about it, although I’m assuming it’ll be in the vein of No Warning and such bands. Alex is in Angers Curse, I have no idea what they’re up to as a band but I’m assuming a new recording is planned. Don’t know if it’ll be an LP or a new 7″ though. As for me, I’m laying low and working on Effort Fanzine with Ulf. If anyone has plans other than that they’re keeping it a secret from me, but I think this is it. Pick up that Balance LP when it drops cause those jams are gonna bust the house down!!

Go For Broke – Out Of Reach
This track was exclusive at the time we released the compilation tape.

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23. Straight A’s

The Netherlands / 2005-2008 / R.I.P.

I think Insane (Crazy doesn’t do it justice) Niels just said to me “We are going to be on that tape” and that was it.

So what happened to Straight A’s?
We went on tour in 2007 and 2008 with Rush ‘N Attack and Permanent x Mark, released a 7″ on Crashlanding Records, switched bandmembers for a while and decided to call it quits when the last original member besides myself decided to quit.

What are the best memories from that time?
Touring Europe for the first time. Singing for my first band and having to find everything out. It was a lot of fun, especially because it all started a joke to most of us. Having to find different fill-ins for every fucking show, Riekus puking all over my parents’ car or falling down a set of stairs with a drink in his hand not spilling anything.

What are the Straight A’s members doing curently? Anything we should be looking out for?
Four of us started Cornered together with a new bass player, things are going pretty well. We’ve released a demo on 7″ last year and have done a split with England’s Cold Snap. We’ve only just released our LP called ‘Living the Lie’ a few weeks ago and people seem to be into it. Look out for This is Europe fest, Carry the Weight fest and our European tour with Downpresser coming up next winter.

Me and Basje play in the Hunger, we have a demo and two EPs out. Riekus still plays for Antillectual who are still touring the globe. Hidde does nothing apart from keeping the social media in check and working 80 hours a week. And Gerard now drums for COLD BLOODED aswell, a new band with some old geezers playing clevo the way it used to be. Look out for their 7″ coming out on THE LIMIT records which is the label some of us do.

Straight A’s – These Scars

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24. Nitad

Sweden / 2006-Present.

Nitad was another band that I discovered simply by browsing from one band to another on Myspace. Fast but with enough melody for me to like. Oh and I just decided to check what Gubbjävel actually meant, because until now I had no idea. Apparently it means old bastard. I’m glad it doesn’t mean something worse.

So what happened to Nitad after the release of the tape?
All hell broke lose! hahah naah we have recorded a bunch of 7″ and one LP and tour Europe, Brazil and the USA.

What are the best memories from that time?
Shit hard question… We have tons of good and bad memories over the years with the band but I must say the first show in Sao Paulo was sick! And the people we hanged out with in Brazil were super nice to us. And we wont forget the US-tour either! People in Richmond know how to party! One shitty thing that happen last year was when our singer (modde) broke his shoulder in Venlo Holland. But then again he was off from work for a month so we was happy about that. hahahaha

What are the future plans? Anything we should be looking out for?
We have record two more 7″ one is coming out this fall 2010 (our friends in kvoteringen is putting that one out) and the other maybe winter 2010 or in 2011, be sure to check them out. And now we are planning a Euro-tour in december. Its gonna be a blast we think, cuz we are going to countries we havent been to so far! like Poland and France. So see you guys in December!

Nitad – Gubbjävel
This track was exclusive at the time we released the compilation tape.

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25. Goldust

Germany / 2005-Present.

I don’t know how Goldust ended up on the tape anymore. Maybe we already played with them around that time and noticed they were good guys. They’re doing great on B9, where every thread about them gets a lost of posts. Mostly with an image of a wrestler… but still. Good to see they’re still going (and going strong!) too.

So what happened to Goldust after the release of the tape?
When the tape was released we still were a very unexperienced, young band I guess. So in the meanwhile we had a small but effective line-up change, learned to play our instruments a lot better, released a bunch of records (our second full length Destroyer|Borderlines being the newest one) and played loads of shows and a few tours. I think we still don’t stick to any specific style of Hardcore – we didn’t back in the days when the tape was released just because we couldn’t do any better, today we do it because we just enjoy creating music influenced by everything we like. So to sum it up, back in 2007 (?) when the tape was released I wouldn’t have thought we could achieve that much with this band, but there are still a lot of things to do.

What are the best memories from the band so far?
Of course all the tours we played so far, it’s always a blast to be on the road. Getting to know new friends, bands and places through playing shows, getting the chance to release records, the usual stuff I guess. All in all, the band itself IS one of my best memories, but I’m not so sure what the other guys think about that haha.

What are the future plans? Anything we should be looking out for?
We have some plans for further releases in 2010, we’ll see if that works out the way we want it to, so you should keep yourself updated on this. Besides that, playing live as much as possible, as always, constantly creating new songs, hopefully a bigger tour in 2011, if we’re able to manage that somehow, trying to care even less about what others think about this band. And getting even more shitty reviews from self-appointed music journalists and clueless Hardcore kids.

Goldust – Out Of This

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Up next part VI, the final part, featuring: Room 13, Bases Loaded, Out Come The Wolves, Citizens Patrol & Noble Cause.

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