Reply To: New band with World Collapse members
Yes Pim!….Degradation (Homeward Bound), Black Friday ’29, Zero Mentality (In Fear Of Forever)
Yes Pim!….Degradation (Homeward Bound), Black Friday ’29, Zero Mentality (In Fear Of Forever)
the vocalist of the con has helped out WC and has been in the band for a short time, she did one show in belgium
[b]THE HAVERBROOK DISASTER[/b]’s “[i]WEATHER THE WORLD[/i]” pre-order packages [b]ONLINE[/b] now! [youtube][/youtube] With their new album “[i]Weather The World[/i]” [b]THE HAVERBROOK DISASTER[/b] is all out for a win. Produced, recorded and mixed by upcoming top-producer [i]Aljoscha Sieg[/i] at [i]Pitchback Studios[/i] (Nasty, Vitja, etc.) and mastered by [i]Brian Hood[/i] at [i]456 Recordings[/i] (Gideon, A Plea for Purging, … Continue reading THE HAVERBROOK DISASTER "Weather The World" pre-orders online
So not everything is for sale, but I’ll be open to offers on some things. Please send me a message on, but please bear in mind I am based in the UK. Thanks. 7″ Abandon Ship | s/t | Yellow /100 | Carry The Weight Records Abolition | In The Grasp Of The Tyrants … Continue reading HYE list fs NxA/Dirty Money/HTB/BWP/Trial/Bane/Foundation
Emailed this out last week but never did my messageboard rounds, so here we go … GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS AND MAILORDER LABEL AND WEBSTORE UPDATE – 08.09.13 Hello! It’s been a little while since you’ve heard from me (and over a month since my last proper Webstore Update), so as always I’m going to try … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Label and Webstore Update 8.14.13
After a far too long absence, the Belgian masters of Evil metalcore return with a slightly updated sound.
Maudlin, Sundowning, Alaskan and Shrine are four amazing bands with their roots in hardcore but everyone goes into a different dark direction.
An interview with the Scandinavian new breed of hardcore. Guilty from Sweden and Upright & Foreseen from Finland.
Dennis had a chat with Joe D Foster about his latest band: Blood Days.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE 12.14.2012 Well, we are in the thick of the holiday season and I hope everyone has their x-mas shopping finished early and has a few extra bucks to spend on some records! You owe it to yourself! Or, keeping with the spirit of the holidays you can buy … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Webstore Update 12.14.12
Olde York will have you doing The Pizzamaker, The Creepy Crawly and The Lawnmower all over your furniture with their classic NYHC sound.
When the first postings about The Icemen from Marco surfaced on the internet I kinda had my doubts. Turned out he’s a great guy!
Jonas interviewed the Spanish band about their city, touring, the new album, what they think about hardcore and much more!
Morrissey may be too much to bear for many, because of his character and principles, but he has delivered an excellent album again and that is what counts the most.
Andy Norton of Praise talks about his former band Champion, his present band Praise and dealing with daily life and news.
Voor wie een liefhebber van zinloze, intensieve en integrerende hardcore is zul je met Strength Approach wellicht wel aan je trekken kun komen. Onlangs brachten ze hun nieuwste album “With Or Without You” uit en deze tour volgde daaruit. Als je niet wist dat deze groep uit Rome kwam zou je zweren dat ze uit … Continue reading Strength Approach (It) + World Eater (De) live @ The Rambler Eindhoven
[img][/img] DESTROY YOUR WORLD INC. Born from the union of two minds blending the old and new breed of Roma hardcore, DESTROY YOUR WORLD INC. is a brand new collective started with the sole intent of putting out yet another helping hand to fortify hardcore worldwide. Based on the ideal that good results can only … Continue reading DESTROY YOUR WORLD INC.
Fans also like: Lagwagon, The Flatliners, Against Me!, Rancid, Dead To Me, Nothington, Banner Pilot, Smoke or Fire, Menzingers, The Copyrights Tickets: Two Groezrock bands on 1 night!! + 1 awesome local band! ***Cobra Skulls*** In 2007 CS released their first full-length Sitting Army with Red Scare. A full-time touring schedule followed with bands … Continue reading 12/5 Cobra Skulls(Fat Wreck)+Versus The World(ft Lagwagon)+Sweet Empire @Winston