Redemption Denied
Meet Redemption Denied, one of the new Belgian bands that keeps kids excited about hardcore.
Meet Redemption Denied, one of the new Belgian bands that keeps kids excited about hardcore.
Andrew (Aversionline, No Echo) did a guest review on the new Said And Done – Better Days album.
Spreading Revolution Summer vibes from downtown Utrecht.
yeah, the public didn’t have the best attitude on a few matters, like putting their trash (cups, cigarette butts or chewing gum) in bins, the ground was absolutely littered. I was amazed by a guy you just threw his cup on the ground while being 1 meter away from a trashbin…mindblowing The marquee ground was … Continue reading Reply To: Ieperfest 2012
Another writing by Adam.
Didn’t read that but that’s in Our Band Could Be Your Life as well I think. Either way, it’s a pretty well known story. This is from “Kill From The Heart”: [quote]The Bad Brains played in Austin, Texas with local legends the Big Boys. Things turned ugly after the show when HR discovered the Big … Continue reading Reply To: Bad Brains
At the end of the year Crows release a record that contends for a very high spot in your yearlist.