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Jonah Jenkins

Only Living Witness, Miltown, Milligram and Raw Radar War. Or maybe you’ve heard his guest vocals on the “No Heroes” Converge record?


Rain was a short-lived band from Washington, DC. They were part of the second wave of “Revolution Summer” bands.

Emile Mutsaers

An in-depth talk with Emile Mutsaers, about his band State Of Mind, him being a teacher, changes in the world and lots more.

Banquets – Spit at the sun

Banquets says goodbye with Spit at the sun. Big question is: does this album live up to the expectations set by their previous material.

FS test presses/rare editions: STRIFE, STRONGARM + other 90's hxc records

Please, write only to email [b]iwantrainbow АТ gmail DОТ com[/b] — I’m posting this info on a bunch of sites and it would be awesome to get all messages in one place. [b][url=]SOME STUFF IS ON DISCOGS ALREADY![/url][/b] Hi everyone! I’ve got my hands on a big record collection of 90’s hardcore this winter and … Continue reading FS test presses/rare editions: STRIFE, STRONGARM + other 90's hxc records

The 101’s

Meet The 101’s, a pretty damn good and catchy band from the Netherlands.

Moving to another country = selling all of my bandshirts (+140, lots of OGs)

I decided to try and sell my t-shirts, as I could definitely use the space and money. It’s mostly hardcore. Some bootlegs, some low-value shirts, but also some (hopefully) highly sought after OGs (Chain, INSTED, GB, TFS). I’ll box whatever I don’t sell from September 2, so please email me your offers before then (cescowillemse/gmail). … Continue reading Moving to another country = selling all of my bandshirts (+140, lots of OGs)