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Korneel Evers

Who played in a movie with Rutger Hauer, played Fluff Fest with his band and appeared on Dutch TV a bunch of times?


Crawlspace just released a brand new album called “Carved into flesh”. Reason enough for Dennis to meet up with Jurgen (guitar) and Def (bass).

Michiel Walrave

Talking about his bands (The Real Danger, Nothing Done, Know Your Enemy, Uppercut a.o.), artwork (Mental, No Turning Back a.o.) and his life.

Midnight Souls – Farewell

Frontman Donny explains why the band is calling it quits as well as looks back on what was Midnight Souls.

Tenement Kids

Tenement Kids have released their new album today. Time to fire a couple of questions at them before they will be impossible to reach. Galaxy domination and all…

Sparrow Falls

Sparrow Falls tell us all about their acoustic tours, ARC and answer a couple of silly questions.

Terrible Feelings – Tremors

Terrible Feelings return with their second album Tremors which has the hard task to live up to my high expectations based on their previous output.

Hollow Truth

Hollow Truth on mythology and the nectar of the gods.


Jonas talked to drummer Marcus Anderson from Swarm (De:Nihil Records). Spreading some Swedish love.

Leviathan Fest

The answers to pressing questions about Verse, Rise And Fall and Ritual could only be answered at the beach in Knokke, Belgium.