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18 Miles

Rik was instantly impressed with 18 Miles’ new video Pushing Forward and contacted singer Daan for a chat.

Marco Abularach

When the first postings about The Icemen from Marco surfaced on the internet I kinda had my doubts. Turned out he’s a great guy!

Midnight Souls – Farewell

Frontman Donny explains why the band is calling it quits as well as looks back on what was Midnight Souls.

Lewis Dimmick

After reading Lewis Dimmick’s – “This Music” Pim was curious about the man who wrote it. So he send him some questions.

Giveaway – I want your feedback

I’m in a giving mood today. I’m giving away some stuff if YOU let me know what YOU want to see on this site. There’s a bonus price too. Oh the joy!

Sparrow Falls

Sparrow Falls tell us all about their acoustic tours, ARC and answer a couple of silly questions.

Staffan Snitting

A chat with Staffan Snitting. Talking about life, his bands, straight edge, zines and euh… So You Think You Can Dance and Glee…

Goldust – Thirst LP

Combining tons of influences isn’t for everyone. Goldust get away with it just fine on Thirst.